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Monday, December 30, 2019

2019 annus horribilis

Death of moviestars, icons, National Artist for Architecture  like Francisco Manosa,
Gary Lising, (in January ) Bentong (in Febuary ) Pepe Smith then Manoy Eddie,
Carlos Celdran....Quakes in Central Mindanao, and Davao and then Ursula on Christmas.
and the end to Harrison Plaza!
 2019 is not the year to celebrate in the Philippines.

ANNUS HORRIBILIS. a terrible year for some...

its not a good year for me either, Its not my habit to post negative things and news
about my life on social media to my friends, so all you  see in my socmed accounts
are just pictures not the other side of me.

this blog wont be having any images, because there are no beautiful images to
post. its been my habit to narrate the good things that happen every year from my
previous blogs. but for this year? I dont think there are any travel pics to share
or precious moments to show.

by the start of 2019, I accumulated whatever savings I have to put up another store,
and rebuild my home  a kilometer across the now empty market.
just across my former shop. while I look at the former shop. its really a depressing

I have been in the LANSHIOP business for 14 yrs for a time, I though I was
indestructible, never in my nightmares have I thought I will be destroyed by
progress, innovation and technological change. and later on, price war.

50percent of my  customers lived in this demolished patch of property formerly owned
by the Mirandas(BONIFACIO SHOPPING CENTER) gone are my 3lanshops.

because of change, users want more from their gaming experience, thus new
games requires 4gb video graphics cards, much faster processing power, bigger memory
costing the computer shop operator to invest in desktop gaming PCs that cost 35k
excluding the 24 inches  LED, comfortable playing environment, high def headsets
cool aircondition systems all for 10.00 an hour. so, the big companies win in this war
they have 100+ or more gaming PCs  operating 24H.
for printing? yes print is 5.00 but competitors bought in high end printers costing 20k a
piece offering 1.00  bulk print. which greatly affected my business.

because of change, gaming companies began to port their popular gaming titles
to the mobile platforms, users connect wirelessly and play against each other.
smell screens dont require fast processors. and its a hit. so most gamers are now
using mobile phones to share their winning moments via Mobile Legends,  ROS
the popular pc game that connects via facebook, is now available in mobile.

the market now is empty,  every now and then, there is a risk of getting towed, getting
your goods taken legally, or being driven away by street clearing hawker teams.
to make the story short,  life is different now. the usual afternoon strolls around my
neighborhood are a thing of the past, because a large part of the community is
destroyed cleared to give way to San Jose's Victoria towers.

No time for leisure walks, No workout at Slimmers, no time for walking tours,
photo walks, and with that brings the bad side effects, no travel means no blogging,
because there is just nothing to narrate and share about.

and by the mid of  November my Christian faith was put to the test, and  failed
miserably.  I want my brothers to pray for me, because I am only human and is slowly
loosing my faith.

one more day and this decade which started with the millennium bug?  will end.
and I am really uncertain what will happen by the end of the next decade, when I
turn 55. ow, I forgot, Dec31 2021 is the start of the end of the first decade...sorry.

this is your LOVERBOY Dennis signing off.
good bye 2019, I wish to bury you,  and tomorrow, I'll stay awake and watch...
and make sure you leave along with the misfortunes you bought me.


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