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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

2 years after covid

I have been inactive for the past 2 yrs. life has not been the same again.

I lost all my cars, all my business, but im still alive.

I thought the wild ginger juice which I took daily, the zinc capsules and the strict 

8hrs a day of  sleep was what kept me going... but its not.

there is no pandemic. in our barangay no one got it. no one died.

look at what they did?

closed down all businesses including mine, closed down churches.

and ruined the economy. but it daeemnn fill up their pockets thru 

vaxxxxxxxzines, and thru their magic word follow the science.

 how isolation rules that brought the economy to its knees could have been

 lifted sooner and how they sought to frighten the public to get people to 

follow lockdown rules.


They knew. 

The biggest hoax of all times , the plandemic

hoax fake plandemic

how they earned with the sales of pcr test, for every

job application, for every hospital visit, how they

earned to use "cvd" as the reason for death even if 

its a vehicle accident. and finally the expired vials.


I mean… in the span of 2yrs I have discovered that  lockdowns were 

just a means to take away our rights, destroy our economy, force 

vaccinations, limit travel, increase surveillance,destroy small businesses 

demoralize us, and push for a cashless society like whats happening now.


now u know

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

life a year after covid.

 I am 48 yrs old. and I have failed. this is what keeps going on in my mind for the past

couple of months, since this plandemic started March of last year. I have been into the

computershop and printing business for nearly all my lifetime. the pandemic just took

this whole business away from me indefinitely.  I dont know when this plandemic will

end and when the students are going to get back... but for now?  I am paying all of my 

operating expense from my own savings, with almost zero income. 

Now, this plandemic is a big test, really. a test of your health (how long can you last 

being healthy? surrounded  by people you dont know, when or where your going  to get 

infected,  how long can your immune system can protect you.?  my neighbor got infected

they lost their lifetimes's savings in 2 wks. 

and this plandemic is a test of your wealth, how much savings have you saved to let

you survive with no source of inome? 3 yrs? 5 yrs? we dont know. real wealth is measured

not by the clothes you wear, the brand of phone youre using, or the house you own, or

the car you drive. the big question is, if a pandemic occurs and all your sources of income

are put to a halt... how much have you saved? with no income, how long can you spend?

I think i will be loosing every penny if this pandemic goes beyond 2026.  those who read

my blog a few yrs back knew that I love cars and got 5 cars before the pandemic. I dont 

own one anymore...

I lost one auntie and one uncle to covid. they came from a rich family. I could not imagine

if they are just a working class citizen like me.

I have heard a lot of  people going crazy because they lost their job. this is very true. a 

lot of my friends experience that. 

jeepney drivers are all affected, may franchise lines like the ones going to Malinta have 

all been phased out. engines sold to motorboat operators in sea side towns. there have 

been many changes in just a year. our neighborhood is known as Bonifacio Shopping

Center, its only landmark, the Palengke, is nowhere to be found now because of this

plandemic, they are asked to leave or be driven away by the City government. oh, there

is only one bus monopoly now, called METROLINK, the yellow bus. all other bus

brand are not allowed to travel, including  provincial busses. everyone is required

to fall in line, no standing, only 30 passengers are allowed. this applies to 

all the MRT, LRT and PNR trains.

this plandemic has turned the middle class family to the new poor. and the poorest

of the poor, become scavengers, opportunist, just waiting for cash aid.

what I have learned.  the virus is airborne this explains why the poorest of the poor

seldom gets it. they are always outside their house, in open air, does not socialize 

much, and the whole neighborhood just stays outside. while middleclass families

eat together in enclosed areas, no mask, staying close together, in

an air condition room. thats how they get it.. the rich ones, ? can import and sell PPE 

without getting apprehended. if they got the virus, they can afford to buy expensive

medical care, I can name a few rich people who survived. only 2 perished.

in this pandemic, if you are well connected, you get rich quick. if not suffer being

like the others who lost their livelihood, their work, their jobs because their

source of income is not anti pandemic.

and as for the vaccines? the big pharma gets to become the new worlds' richest,

richer than Elon, in a couple of years, every people need to retake and upgrade

their vaccines, because every year, there will be another new variant, each year

with new vaccines just like what we do a couple of decades back with out 

computer anti virus update and update the virus signatures, so the vaccines will

counter new strains. that is big business...

my conclusion? we are not being told the truth. this is all a big big money

making fairy tale dream come true for the big pharma companies.

and so my blog ends here, yes, no pictures, till the plandemic is over.

this is your Loverboy Dennis signing off.


Monday, December 28, 2020

is your Christmas happy this year?

 2020 the year that has necessarily kept my friends, and family apart has, in some ways, 

brought us closer via  ZOOMing, google meet. this year is the first time I have heared 

of the term, online class, online leaning and modular learning though distance education. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Novevember 1, 2020 what Now?

the day will come in history as a day when Manila forgot Halloween 2020. literally,

this is the day when a CAT5 super storm threatened to destroy NCR to the ground.