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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

all things does not last forever

I have been in hibernation for the past 3 months recovering from the collapse of
my business, DEN-R INTERNET bought about by the purchase of Bonifacio
Shopping Center resulting in our unscheduled moving out to a neighborhood
unknown to us. the  internet café which was built 13 yrs ago, on Sept 4, 2005
successful and unchallenged for 13 yrs has now been reduced to a 20 unit shop
operating on a garage just outside of the house. business is not doing good.

my printing service has been moved to a location just across our old address
and has been named KUYADEN PAPAPRINT. the business has been doing OK.
I have stayed on my old neighborhood of barangay 81, because I love it here
the people have been my customers my friends and I consider them important.

this neighborhood where children play, where happy laughter can be heard and
a place where we park our cars. this is gone now. its an old pic. its  now part of

the landmark of Monumento, which people call, palengke. is now gone.
all that is left is the section of lot  where the red building now stands, its rented
and the contract will expire soon. this portion has been rented out. at 6k per slot
so the ones residing inside the left wing of Bonifacio Market has the option to
transfer and move out of Caloocan, or stay in the small area under the red building.

ALL businesses have been affected here, livelihood,  those whose buusinesses
moved across to the "new market", has not been doing quite well, mainly because
the new property here has sealed all but one  entrance. so customers need to go to the
foot bridge just to get in the new market. and its a maze inside, 50 plus stalls crumpled
in one location.

EVERYTHING WILL BE GONE ONE DAY, things does not last and will not
last forever. the business, wealth, and your life force. it will be gone one day.
only the universe remains   forever.

soon there will be 3 condominium units in our area, the first in Monumento's history
the EDSA side will have  168 mall, the mcarthur side a 15 storey lifestyle condo.
the  new owners are San Jose Builders.

in the next couple of weeks, it would be summer, and there will be no parking space for
cars. I would be affected again. need to have a location for my car to park.

here in this blog, I will show you  the progress of the demolition job that is happening
just in front of our doorstep....

the left side of Bonifacio going towards the market is now reduced to...

this structure that is about to rise will change our lives. the lives of everyone in this
community, it would be filled with people from a different level with a different
lifestyle who may look down on others.  everything thing here will change. the way
of life. the environment.
I just hope that it would change for the better.

this is your LOVERBOY Dennis signing off...