Confucius’ Birthday ( 孔子誕辰 ) falls on the 27th day of the eighth lunar month
of the Chinese calendar. It is officially celebrated on Taiwan as "Teachers' Day" on
September 28th, and in HK on the third Sunday of September as "Confucius Day",
to celebrate the efforts of today's teachers, and there is a legislative effort underway
to move that to September 28th. or the birth of Confucious.
Many countries with Confucian cultures hold commemorations each year, The birth
of Confucius is not a public holiday, but it is an official public holiday for workers
in Taiwan, known as Teachers’ Day.
The roots of this traditional ceremony can be found as far back in the time of the
Zhou Dynasty, and appeals to both foreign tourists and local people to this day.
Festivals are held to celebrate the birth of Confucius all across China, including at
his birthplace in Shandong Province. Among the many attendees of the ceremonies
at the Temple of Confucius in Qufu are scholars, notable people, and descendants
of Confucius.
here in the Philippines we celebrate this by a week long activity from Philpost called
letter writing month. and a stamp issue honoring the teacher.
in China, During the festival at the Qufu temple there are many activities and
entertainments, including musical performances and dancing from ancient times.
In the famous Yi Dance, the dancers wear clothes from the Song and Ming Dynasty,
with yellow silk robes, blue waistbands, and black hats. The ceremonial music,
played with traditional Chinese instruments, is known as “The Sound of Peace”.
The musicians wear the clothes of the Ming Dynasty, with red robes and black hats.
In addition to these performances, are calligraphy demonstrations and exhibitions,
with many people in traditional costumes. Tourists are welcome to attend and enter
the tombs of Confucius and his descendants, as well as explore his hometown and
the Confucius Temple.
The band Lynyrd Skynyrd took its name from a Terror teacher named Leonard
Skinner.Happy Teacher's Day to all Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Today, Oct 5 the Philippines celebrates World Teachers’ Day with theme,
“My Teacher, My Hero.”
The venue of the celebration is at the (Ultra)in Pasig City where hundreds of
Filipino teachers are expected to attend to show their participation in the
worldwide celebration. The WTD has been celebrated every October 5 as declared
by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
in 1994. The celebration focuses on the nobility of the profession itself and promotes
international standards for the teaching profession. This year’s theme is
“Teachers for Gender Equality.”
Happy Teachers day, this is your LOVERBOY Dennis signing off