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Sunday, April 26, 2020


yes, we have another new term, aside from social distancing , physical distancing
social amelioration fund, IATF, ayuda, and COVID19. the new NORMAL.
under the new normal, middle class high income families may have to sell stuffs,
and downgrade, while low income middle class families are now the new poor.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

ncov pandemic: end of blogging as we knew it?

I woke up one day in March to a message from a friend, informing me of the
community quarantine that is to be implemented in the whole of Luzon.
and I know that day is the start of a new chapter of my life. a life where every
ounce of the coins you have saved will count. a different life, a global event
that will reset every activity known to man. and will destroy  world economies,
collapsing  health system, to enormous proportions since the 2nd World War.
this is the Corona virus pandemic, and this is my story.