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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

are ghost real?

or are they not?

despite the efforts of thousands of ghost hunters on television and elsewhere
ghosts fall outside the realm of what science can prove or disprove.
for decades, not a single piece of hard evidence of ghosts has been found

this blog does not have pictures of  ghost, because I dont own one, I have
not encountered one, and most of the pictures you may see on the internet
are fake, manioulated, or just effects from bouncing light.

I’ve had an interest in ghost stories and paranormal exploration and shows
and other things for a long time even before I got baptized.

Many patients with dementia have reported seeing ghosts, and hallucinations
are one symptom of dementia. my dad, a year before he got his first stroke
attack, would often narrate how he met and talked with some of his deceased
kumpares friends, acquaintances. he gets  hallucinations where he would think
 there are friends with him talking to him moments before I got up to see him.

ghost are products of pure imagination, stress, sleep paralysis, and co2 inhalation.
and poisoning so up til now a, a non believer. ghost does not exist. once a
person dies, he is  done and gone. he cannot communicate, or visit the living.
why? there are no proof. look at how many have died ever since?
100 trillion or more? if they can all communicate and get back, then the earth,
as we live  shall be filled with spirits from different generations and era. right?

because ghost can't.  but demons can. demons can possess the living, can get back
to haunt the living.. if a medium tells you he can communicate with spirits?
they are actually communicating with demons. places are not haunted by spirits
or ghosts, but by demons.

demons can manifest, can break glasses, move things, harm the living
but faith and GOD will vanish the demon.

this is your LOVERBOY Dennis signing out.

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