Happy new year to everybody reading this blog! Sorry I've been slow in the
postings and plan to change that. One thing about not posting is that it becomes a
habit, because I experience so much each day and have so much to
write, if I don’t do it for a few weeks it becomes well, too much to write about
and I leave it. Anyway the activities here in my LANSHOP is tiring and most of
the times hard work is behind me so will have much more spare time for such
things now.

2017 has finally arrived and like every new year, it will bring new challenges in many
fields which will allow us to learn and grow even more.
This time of the year is filled with moments of celebration, reflections and resolutions,
all of which are great for inspiration and making the necessary changes one has been
thinking about in the past year. It is also the time to assess the year that has passed.
So what happened last 2016 and what do we aim for 2017?
That time of the year where we pause to look back and see how we enriched ourselves
this year. Looking back at 2016, this is how the year went by. A slow start that picked
up pace towards the end.

yes, because of my first experience in joining a car show early last summer
I've met several wonderful new friends in the process. models, photogs, organizers
I've discovered that one of them is my neighbor Ye & Kate, and another is my
travel buddy and companion, dhane.

All these months it has been a platform for my expression, for sharing the joys of
travelling, connecting with fellow heritage lovers from LAKAD PAMANA, travelers
and learning from them about new destinations or the new way to look at old destinations.
It has been a lace where I experienced magic.
regarding New Years’ resolutions. you only made ones you know you could keep...
so for now, better think of those impossible-to-break resolutions for the coming year!
So, make New Years’ resolutions if it helps you to focus on changes you want to make
in the coming year, but don’t set them impossibly high, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t
keep them.
Between the deaths of beloved childhood "heroes and heroines", the death of
famous 80s celebrities, and a list of natural disasters, (specially NinaPH that hit Bicol
hard last Christmas). 2016 wasn't the greatest year. I know it was not that good for me...
for this year? uhmm.. yes, TRAVEL. I think this is what I am perhaps the most grateful
to this year for. thanks dhane, jen, tol, my travel buddies in LAKAD PAMANA.
current year and a big waving arms hello to a bright and shiny new year. So much so
I’ll zip right on passed the reflection and jump immediately into how to make the next
year the best one yet.
after meeting up with dhane for the salubong, I went straight to QC Circle where a
spectacular 11-minute fireworks show lit up the sky above the QCMC at the strike
of 12 midnight during the grand New Year Countdown organized by TV5 and
the QC local government.
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